The nation has heaved a sigh of relief after hearing the Allahabad high court verdict on the 60 year old Ayodhya dispute. It should be welcomed by one and all as it reflects the sentiments of the people. The concerned parties should sit together and put an end to this decades long pending problem without appealing to the Supreme Court.
A member of the Muslim personal law board Mr. Kamal Farooqui has rightly said:
"I would not like to jump to conclusions right now but there could be a mandir and a masjid existing along side in Ayodhya in the larger interest of the nation. The court has opened up some consensus for us and a chance for reconciliation," He has further said that India has become a "matured nation" and "we will move forward".
I hope that the Muslim Personal Law Board will do the needful and see to it that no appeal is made on this issue. Let Hindus and Muslims show their brotherly gestures in constructing a temple and a mosque side by side in the Area in Ayodhya and tell the world that even a vexed problem can be solved amicably here in our country India which is well known for its secularism and unity in diversity. Everyone should try to make Ayodhya a shining example for communal harmony and peace for the happiness, progress and prosperity of the people particularly the future generation.
V.M. Khaleelur Rahman
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